Well, don't you just love unfinished pages?⭐⭐

I'm moving some things around because im not satisfied with the current layout of the main page.
Lot's of things has been bothering me so I decided to finally come back and continue my work on this site to stop feeling down.
I want to do useful things. Even if i feel like I wasn't made for website making, whatever, lot's of people praise my work and I feel really happy.

So many people have this creature, it's loud but i love Melonking

Oh man I should really start to yap some more...but it's hard to form interesting sentences when my whole personality is brainrot. I've been obsessed with pet simulator 99 for the last few days. I should touch some grass like a normal person, but it's genuinely hard to stand up and live my life-

Well anyway, If I ever get a hobby that requires physical activity it's over for you guys,

I will turn into a lvl 1000 maffia boss.

I should really do a news page where I document my progress and link my newly made pages...BUT this site is a mess and we're proud of that: THE SIGMA MALE GRINDSET CANNOT STOP.

I cannot thank DeepSea-Kinniies enough for making this beautiful Idate blinkie. I fell to my knees, stared with sparkly eyes. Truly majestic. /pos

If you ever see my spelling mistakes...I'm sorry, I swear I'm better than this.

Bark, I'm just a hotdog with ketchup on top...anyways...

I miss a song from my childhood that I would always listen to when we went to the river, I miss the times when I would watch my siblings catch lizards and fish on our vacations. No one liked that song except me, I wish I could hear it again.

Not so fake button