✦ (Some of) MY COLLECTIONS! ✦

As of 2024 August 7th.

I've been a hoarder and collector since I can remember. From rocks, leaves and sticks as a child, to empty candy boxes, shiny objects and countless others as a teen. Now, with only a few collections remaining as I'm older. (Ultimately, it's better off that way). Come see some of my current active collections in no particular order. Content warning for gun imagery? Incase?

✭ Broken earbuds and headphones

25 earbuds and 4 headphones since ~2018.

Bit of a strong start. But I've been buying these fellas from cheap corner shops, using them up for months continously until no music plays from either side, for over half a decade now. One or two of these earbuds were gifted to me. Recently—about two years ago—I started preferring headphones for their comfortability, so I am now instead buying the cheapest headphones I can find and abusing those instead. Very slow process as it takes an average of 5 months to add just one to the collection. But I like it.

✭ Monster energy cans

25 Monster cans since 2021.

Before you get concerned for my physical health, a good chunk of these were gifted to me by someone who discontinued their collection a while back. I don't drink energy drinks aside from when I see a new Monster flavour appear in shops. I just really like the look and feel of the cans, plus the taste is sometimes good. It's just annoying that my country is slow with catching up when new ones come out, however a friend of mine alerts me when it does happen, thus we buy and taste it together. Pretty fun.

✭ Rubber bouncy balls

53 rubber balls since ~2017.

My school used to have a shop close by that had these rubber ball dispensers, that I would buy one from every couple of weeks after saving up some big boy money from super shady illegal businesses with classmates (trading items for money). Since that shop not only doesn't exist anymore, but I'm in a place far away from that school now, I have to hunt for these dispensers when I'm outside. I get these as gifts sometimes, though. Give a round of applause for Cappy, as they gave me some sparkly rubber balls visible on the picture above. However, the price of these have doubled since I was smaller, so I sometimes pass off the opportunity to buy one when I see one, which makes this collection grow slower. But it's still going strong.

✭ Fake firearm and gun accessories

9 of these since ~2020.

I just thought these looked cool. And I like the aesthetics of weaponry, hunters, all that sort of stuff. I really can't say much about this one, as this is the collection I grow the slowest (as visible from the start date and the current date...) But it does exist and it is on my mind.

✭ Coins

Amount not yet counted since ~2018.

Various memory coins and currencies from different time periods, countries, rarity and places that I've been to. Some of these came from questionable backgrounds. Like when I saw a bag at the back of a biology class with some old coins in it, and me, seeing the opportunity as nobody was watching, stole one or two. A few was gifted to me by my mother, as she hunts for rare coins aswell. I got another box worth of coins with me, but I'm in the process of recolouring that container, so I'll update with a proper count and images when I'm done.

✭ Dead Toma Superfine 069 black pens

6 pens since 2022.

An oddly specific collection of mine. It all started when I went over to a friend's place, and they let me test one of these pens that I've never seen before. I immediately fell in love with them, they were so thin and smooth. So, my friend gave me one of their pens for me to bring home and use. When that pen died, I didn't want to throw it out due to it being a gift from a friend. And now, I just keep a collection of this specific type of pen whenever I use them up. And I also like the star pattern on it, plus 69 funny.

Bonus: This virtual axolotl pet I've been growing for quite some time now. I started this journey several times since ~2020, planning to see how large the axolotl can become, but I kept forgetting to take care of it, which caused it to die all the time.

This is my current high score as of 2024 August 7th.